Wedding Photographers

How would it feel to dramatically increase the number of bookings you make within the next 90 days?

I’ve owned a few businesses in my time, I know how tough it can be trying to do it all yourself…

  • Marketing can sometimes feel like shooting in the dark
  • SEO this, meta tags that, it’s all a bit confusing and overwhelming
  • Finding fresh ideas to draw in new clients feels daunting
  • You want your website to be more ‘magic’ than ‘meh’, but how?
  • You’re curious about paid ads but unsure where to start

What if I told you there’s a solution tailored just for you?

A superpower which allows you to attract better clients and secure more business, day in, day out.

It’s actually pretty basic, but it’s often overlooked.

Thing is, I get it. You’re busy perfecting your craft and capturing the magic, you don’t have the time or energy to be learning how to build a beautiful website and brand on top of that.

Maybe you’ve already got a website, and it’s not bad, but you’re not sure how to make it better. What if you knew someone who did?

And what if while refreshing your digital presence, they empowered you within 4 weeks with tools and strategies to take the wheel, so to speak, once their work was done?

You’d probably think that sounds pretty good, right?

Okay, so the big question is how?

There are 4 disinct ways that I can help you achieve the success you’re seeking.

The Brand Refresher

A workshop requiring your input kicks off the process - then we get to work constructing a fresh and contemporary brand identity. It's like slipping into a new pair of shoes.

The Organic Marketing Workshop

We craft SEO reports. We identify social media opportunities. We look at your competitors. Then we talk it out and come up with an AI enhanced plan (we'll show you how to use it going forward too).

The Website Audit

Your input isn't needed as much here - this is our expertise, and if you have a website it's a case of identifying anything holding you back, and fixing it. If you don't have one or need a new one, we can build it for you.

Paid Ads 101

Pinterest. Instagram. Google. They're all channels your customers could find you. So take full advantage! And we'll show you how, plus come up with your initial campaigns including graphic design.

The Brand Refresher

A workshop requiring your input kicks off the process - then we get to work constructing a fresh and contemporary brand identity. It's like slipping into a new pair of shoes.

The Organic Marketing Workshop

We craft SEO reports. We identify social media opportunities. We look at your competitors. Then we talk it out and come up with an AI enhanced plan (we'll show you how to use it going forward too).

The Website Audit

Your input isn't needed as much here - this is our expertise, and if you have a website it's a case of identifying anything holding you back, and fixing it. If you don't have one or want a new one, we can design and build it for you.

Paid Ads 101

Pinterest. Instagram. Google. They're all channels your customers could find you. So take full advantage! And we'll show you how, plus come up with your initial campaigns including graphic design.

Let me tell you a little bit about me and my mission

Hey, I’m Tristan, lead creative and business coach at Cadora Design.

I’m in the wedding industry, as a wedding DJ myself (web designer by day, DJ by night!)

I decided to take on just wedding photographers so I could create a small community of like minded businesses owners ready to level up their online efforts. I can share expertise and what I learn with everyone on board.

I was working as part of a software company for the past 3 years (and before that I worked for a web design agency). Part of this job involved building web applications, mobile apps and more for some high profile clients including governments and military groups.

I was ready to make a change, and now I am working for myself (alongside a great team of freelancers that support me) in bringing my hugely valuable skillset to small businesses across the UK.

Tristan, this all sounds great, but can I really afford it?

Chances are, the cost of one of my packages is less than one of your average bookings. You can also pay in installments. How have I managed to offer this at such a low price? For a few reasons. I don’t rent an office so pass on savings to my clients. I have developed robust and efficient (as well as sometimes automated) systems for completing the work and by taking on a group of similar businesses at one time, I can offer a lower price to all of you.

We offer a quick turnaround of just one month, and then we hand you back the keys to your new and improved digital presence. If you did want us to stay on hand, we offer monthly support and maintainence packages too.

Although I will be doing most of the heavy lifting, this service is designed to empower you. This means that participation, energy and effort from yourself is required to get the most out of it. If you’re not ready for that, this may not be for you.

The Refresher

The entry tier offering
£ 495 One off payment
  • Brand refresher workshop
  • Refreshed brand identity
  • Logo refresh
  • Top 3 competitor analysis
  • Social media analysis report
  • AI enhanced content strategy workshop
  • Website usability and conversion report
  • Website audit fixes
  • SEO and organic marketing workshop

The Redesign

Our ultimate offering
£ 895 One off payment
  • Everything in the Refresher package
  • Brand identity plus vision board
  • New website wireframes
  • New website complete design
  • New website build
  • Maintenance and support for 1 month
  • Full training provided
Secure your spot today

We are selective about the type of clients we take on board, but if you’d like to apply, just pop your details in here and one of our specialists will be in touch to discuss things further. Please note that we cannot guarantee availability as once we reach the maximum clients that we’re happy to take on in one go, the doors will be closed.


If you feel like you’re not getting the most out of your online marketing efforts right now, but you know you offer a quality service and you are a talented photographer, then this may be for you. If your strength lies in taking the photos but you’re not fully up to speed with the tech side of things, websites, marketing etc., then this may be for you. If you’ve already smashed it online and you have bookings coming out of your ears, then this is probably not for you.

I (Tristan) started dabbling in programming and design when I was just 15. Soon after, I built a website for my DJ business and ran paid ads to secure my first bookings, this has now grown immensely and I no longer need a website with a steady stream of bookings in partnership with The Function Band. My academic background is solid too—I hold a computer science degree from the University of Essex and aced my fine art qualifications (with full marks at A level!). Over the years, I’ve helped numerous businesses amplify their digital footprint. From local ventures to government projects, my passion lies in powering dreams and ensuring online success.

Well, having a treasure trove of technical know-how isn’t much use if I keep it all to myself. It’s like that saying: “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day; teach him how to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” My DJ background has gifted me with a flair for showmanship, and I’ve always aimed to be more than just a web designer. Think of me as an entrepreneur, a business success coach, and most importantly, an empowerer. Through workshops, I get to share my knowledge, ensuring you’re not just getting a service, but also skills that last a lifetime.

Quality and price don’t always correlate. While some may view my service as affordable and others might see it as premium, I’ve priced it intentionally to cater to a cohort of 4-6 clients. This model allows me to charge less per individual while ensuring that each client reaps the benefits of collective insights and lessons. Think of it not just as a service, but as a valuable investment. The collective knowledge within the cohort amplifies the learning experience, ensuring you receive quality guidance tailored to your needs.

Our ‘Refresher Package’ typically spans about 1 month, though sometimes it might extend a bit based on specific requirements. On the other hand, the ‘Redesign Package’ can take up to 2 months, contingent on project intricacy, additional features, and the number of revisions. But here’s the deal: we prioritize a swift turnaround. You won’t be stuck in a cycle of endless emails for months on end. I believe in a hands-on approach, scheduling regular calls to keep you updated on our progress and ensure everything’s on track.

Partially. Given your expertise as a wedding photographer, I anticipate that you’ll have stunning imagery for us to showcase your talent. When it comes to the textual content and additional images, I’ve got you covered. I harness the power of AI-enhanced workflows to expedite the content creation process and utilize AI-generated art to supply royalty-free imagery for your site. This blend ensures your content is both personal and professional.

Our approach is proactive, not reactive. With the redesign package, you’re not left in the dark until the very end. Unlike many traditional agencies, we don’t just whip up an entire website and then cross our fingers hoping you like it. Our process begins with mockups and wireframes, ensuring you have an early visual of what to expect. With regular reviews and feedback sessions, tweaks and changes are mere minutes away. This method not only conserves time and resources but also ensures that the final product is something you’re truly satisfied with.

Definitely! In today’s digital landscape, it’s a given that websites need to adapt seamlessly across devices. Your website will be designed to adjust and display optimally, no matter the screen it’s viewed on. Whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, users will enjoy a fluid and user-friendly experience.

Yes, please get in touch to discuss your options.

Navigating the world of search engine rankings is complex, but let’s break it down. The short answer is yes, we can aim for that, but the route you take matters:

  1. Paid Ads: This method places you on the first page through advertising. You’ll be charged every time someone clicks on your site from Google. It can give you instant visibility but comes at a cost.

  2. Organic Search Results: Here, we delve into the art and science of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). We’ll optimize your site so, over time, it naturally ranks higher in search results. This method demands more effort and patience but is sustainable in the long run.

We equip you with SEO reports to spotlight the best strategies for your content, like blog topics and other opportunities. Remember, SEO isn’t a one-time thing. It’s a journey that needs ongoing dedication and effort to consistently boost and maintain your rank.

Both avenues have their merits and drawbacks, and we’ll guide you in determining the best fit for your goals and budget.